Interview for BRAINY LADIES, Inspiring the next generation of girls in STEM
My Saturday Python Workshop for TechGirlz was a Great Success!

2/29/2020 Newtown Public Library, 201 Bishop Hollow Rd
Proud to Continue Participating in the Young Entreprenuers Academy.
Please Sign up for my Next Python Programming Class on February 29, 2020!
I Enjoyed Teaching Python to my Fellow TechGirlz Board Members on Sunday.
Kismet at 4230 Main St, Philadelphia
The Python class I taught at Microsoft yesterday was 100% full!! What a great class of SMART girls!
Microsoft Store in King of Prussia, PA
TechGirlz Introduces Teen Advisory Board Members For 2019-2020 Term.
I'm looking forward to teaching a TechGirlz Python class on Saturday 1/11/20 at the Microsoft store in the King of Prussia Mall!!! Please sign up for my class!!!
Executive Leaders Radio interview with CodewithLilia.
Thrilled to be Profiled Along with TechGirlz in!
Proud to be a part of The TechGirlz Teen Advisory Board.
Such Smart Girls in our last night!
Radnor Memorial Library
I'm looking forward to helping teach this fun class on Thursday (10/10/19)!!
Radnor Memorial Library
Solving Genetic Mysteries with TechGirlz was a hit! Come join us for the next class! at The Newtown Public Library, July 20, 2019
Proud to Announce my Appointment to the IF/THEN Girls Advisory Council.
Harvard's Marking Caring Common Project
So proud to have participated in this great program! I met impressive and motivated students from around the country. Thanks Harvard's Marking Caring Common project for giving us a chance to be a part of an all-inclusive group of students striving to make a difference.
Calling all girls to come join the class I will be helping teach about Solving Genetic Mysteries!
Newtown Public Library, July 20, 2019
It's such an Honor to be Included in this Group of 15 Local Leaders Under the Age of 30
Main Line Today, June 2019